No Limits

It is said that the only limits we have are the ones we give ourselves.
How sad is it that we are our own worst critic; our own oppressor?
A few years ago I decided to take the chance and see what life might be like if I could open my eyes to things that I cannot see...if I might reach out and discover what has been there all along. If I can take off the limits that I have set, or allowed others to set for me, and truly LIVE this life, in the freedom that I believe God intended for us to live.
The first step was to realize that I am a Spiritual Being dealing temporarily with human issues and not the other way around. Our spirits are eternal and should be fed and nutured fully, even before our bodies and minds.
The quality of my life has improved dramatically since I made that choice. I am having more fun, making more friends and my creativity is thriving.
This blog is dedicated to those who have struggled with bonds and boundaries, whether real or imagined. Look into the endless blue above you and see that there is always more room to grow under Saphyre Skyes.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Love One Another

We hear it in songs, slogans, commercials, tv shows, movies...its all about LOVE. But what IS it? Is it only a feeling, a passing emotion? Or does it have nothing at all to do with emotions, but is rather an action? I believe that True Love lies smack in the middle of the two.

It begins somewhere outside us; maybe it comes from our parents, maybe not. Maybe from a family member or a spouse. For some, I think it only comes directly from God and no other source, maybe for their entire lives.
Certainly we are all searching for it. To be understood is to be loved, and we all want someone to understand us; to see into our hearts and souls and say "I approve". Of course, few of us are brave enough or feel safe enough to open our hearts so that someone might have a glimpse, a peak at what treasure is buried there.
Because after all, what if we expose our heart and we are NOT understood? Not accepted. NOT loved. Then what?

"Man looks upon the outward appearance, but God looks upon the heart." And so we are exposed, whether we choose it or not. There is no place that is far enough, or dark enough to hide from Him. Are we only hiding from ourselves?
It is said that the opposite of love and the opposite of hate are the same thing-Indifference... but, as human beings, do we have the ability to be truly indifferent?
Love and Hate cannot occupy the same space- so do they cancel one another out as cold and hot water poured together will become neither?
We must make a choice to have love, or not. To act in love, or not. To give love, or not.

How does hate begin? As a seed of unmet expections? We then become indignant and then we carefully nurture that small bud of hatred, fanning it into a flame of bitterness. Jealousy sprouts when "other people have what I want, what I deserve."

If every generation fails to try harder than the generation before it, society will not PROGgress but regress. But we have our excuses at the ready..."Nobody loved me" "Noone accepted me" " I was abused, neglected, so dont look at Me!"

Whatever it is, however it works, we need to figure it out quickly. This life is short and God didnt merely suggest we love...He didnt give us the option or tell us we could be selective in the matter. He commands us to "Love One Another".

Enough said?